I write about life, specifically the lifestyle choices I make and how they play out. I'm definitely not in the mainstream as I home-birthed my 3rd daughter, home educate her, live car-free and debt-free, cook from scratch (most of the time), and am really loving my life.

Writing provides me with an opportunity to share some of what I've learned and gained from my experiences and to connect with a larger community. I write across topics including Stoicism, Homeschooling, Minimalism, and Living Simply. Books I've read, crochet- and sewing- projects are some of my personal interests that I share.

I have the unique perspective of having raised two daughters before screens became handheld and now am raising one right in this experiment. I'm an older mum having turned 41 just after my 3rd daughter was born. And I grew up in the rural midwest, on a farm until I was 10 yo and in the suburbs of a small country town from then on. Who I am today, what I value, and my lifestyle now highly reflect my farming roots.

Join me on this crazy, fun journey.

Reach out to me: annrleach1@gmail.com

Medium member since August 2021
Friend of Medium since April 2024
Ann Rickert Leach

Ann Rickert Leach

Friend of Medium

Book author and article writer, Unplugged Fun owner; Outdoor & physical activity enthusiast, Living best life adventurer, Curious learner