Six Simple Steps to Start Homeschooling

Starting home education can seem like an overwhelming task. There is no one place to go to learn how to start, until now.

Ann Rickert Leach
7 min readJul 24, 2021

Home Education is all so new and different from simply going to the school and signing up — curriculum choices, connecting with other home ed families, new terminology, and what is the law anyway? I know how you feel. In fact, every family who bases their children’s education from home felt exactly the same way when they started.

Let’s break it down into manageable steps:

  • Connecting with families in the home education community;
  • Learning the regulations and registering;
  • Making friends for you and your children;
  • Deschooling;
  • Defining what home education means for you and your family and;
  • Choosing curriculum.

Connect with Families in the Home Education Community

On Facebook, do a search for where you live (town, council, shire, state) plus homeschool or home education. Choose 2 or 3 local-to-you groups to join and a state or national group or both. State-level groups are best for getting information about the regulations as home education is regulated at the state level and information about large group excursions being organized. Local groups are best for attending and arranging…



Ann Rickert Leach

Book author and article writer, Unplugged Fun owner; Outdoor & physical activity enthusiast, Living best life adventurer, Curious learner