The Outdoors — Once I’m There, I’m in a Better Mental Space

But getting there is such an internal battle.

Ann Rickert Leach
2 min readNov 26, 2021
The flower on a Dragon Fruit plant growing in my back yard. Photo by Ann Leach.

At the start of October, I set a goal of walking the parkrun course daily, and I (mostly) did it. I think I missed only 5 days, 1 to laziness and 4 to rain.

It was a fantastic way to start each day, hitting the course at 8 am and returning home to shower and get on with things by 9 am.

I told all my friends how good I felt, how thrilled I was with checking my walk off each day, how accomplished I felt doing this really big thing each and every morning.

My mental health was on an upswing. Life was good.

Then November came along. And what always comes in November? Yes, even here in Australia, November brings rain.

This year was no exception. In fact, being a La Nina year, we’ve had EXTRA rain. So I missed a day due to rain. Then 2. And then 3. After that, well, I guess I gave up. I gave up on walking.

I gave up on myself.

So guess what? I’m not giving up. Tomorrow morning, which is 28 November, (wait.. let me check the forecast.) .. ok! Yes! Tomorrow, I am walking the parkrun course!

See you there!



Ann Rickert Leach

Book author and article writer, Unplugged Fun owner; Outdoor & physical activity enthusiast, Living best life adventurer, Curious learner