When Good Men Do Nothing

We have to stand up to injustices and take action.

Ann Rickert Leach
2 min readJul 25, 2022
Image created by Ann Leach

“Often injustice lies in what you aren’t doing, not only in what you are doing.” — Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 9.5

For us to live in a world filled with good, we have to do good.

Doing good isn’t the same as contributing money to good causes, but actually getting out and doing good things in our neighbourhoods and communities.

For my daughter to learn about community involvement and doing good deeds, she needs to see me modeling this behaviour and not just talking about it.

It is on me to look for and find those opportunities to do good things not just so I can model it for her because I also have to be authentic.

I also have to stand up to bad when I see it happening. It is easy to post a comment on social media but rarely if ever does that passive action actually cause change.

But when I get out and talk with my neighbours and community members, then we can work together to bring about change or to stop a truly bad thing from happening.

Is there a risk? Yes! No one else may want to take a stand. They may feel powerless. They may wonder why I care when it doesn’t actually affect me.

But that is all about them and outside of my control.

I am in control of myself and when I see bad or an injustice, I take action.

Join me in reading and discussing The Daily Stoic*: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman.
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Ann Rickert Leach

Book author and article writer, Unplugged Fun owner; Outdoor & physical activity enthusiast, Living best life adventurer, Curious learner